How to Organise a Rock Concert


Rock concerts are a great way to enjoy live music. Rock concerts can be an amazing experience, but they take a lot of planning and preparation. If you’re looking to hold your own rock concert, here are some tips on how to make it as fun and exciting as possible!

Make An Epic List Of Must-Have Features For Your Show

Once you've decided on a theme, the next step is to make an epic list of must-have features for your show. Your list should include all the things that will make your concert unique, memorable and stand out from the crowd. Here are some ideas:

  • A flashing light show (with laser beams!)

  • A giant video screen behind you playing videos that go with your songs

  • Massive inflatable guitars and drums hanging from the ceiling

  • A pyrotechnic display at the end (if it's outdoor and legal)

Look Through Some Rock Concerts To Get Ideas

You can get some good ideas from looking at photos and videos of past rock concerts. It's not a bad idea to check out the setlist and the stage design, too. You might want to take note of lighting, costumes, and the venue itself (if you're hosting it yourself).

Create A Compelling Brand Story For Your Artist

If you're going to be successful at this, you need a brand story for your artist. The brand story is the background of your artist and it should be compelling and unique.

The brand story should be consistent with the image and music of the artist, as well as their personality. It should also ideally have some interesting contrasts that make it stand out from other artists in their genre or community. For example:

  • Your artist is British but grew up in America

  • Your artist is has won many accolades and awards

  • Your band has three members who all play different instruments

Create A Funky Colour Palette For Your Design Campaign

Step 1: Create a funky colour palette for your design campaign.

If you want to make sure that the colours in your design campaign are in line with your brand, use the following tips to create an easy-to-read and on-the-eyes colour palette:

  • Use colours that can be easily printed on fabric banners or signage. This includes black, white, yellow and orange as these are very common printing colours. Remember: if it’s not easy to print then it won't get printed!

  • Don't choose too many different shades of one colour (i.e., don't go crazy with bright pinks). Too much variation can make it look messy and confusing for people who aren’t familiar with graphic design terminology so employ a designer from GEM.

  • Try using complementary colours for text boxes instead of contrasting ones like red against green which could cause eye strain due to how saturated they both are at different times during day time hours depending where exactly you live (I'm looking at you tropics!).

Select The Perfect Venue From The Narrowed Down List

After you have narrowed down the venues, it is time to choose the right one.

  • Choose a venue that is well-known and has a good reputation.

  • Choose a venue that is accessible to your target audience. If you are trying to attract teenagers, then you should choose an easily accessible venue in their area or near public transportation routes that they use regularly. If you are trying to get older people interested in your concert, consider choosing an upscale restaurant or bar where they would feel more comfortable going out for dinner or drinks after leaving the show and spending some money on tickets for themselves and their friends or family members as gifts for birthdays or other special occasions like holiday celebrations (Christmas Eve during which New Year's Eve falls), etc…

  • Choose a venue that has the right capacity for your concert: It may seem obvious but make sure there will be enough room at all times during each performance by checking first how many guests each ticket allows into each event space before purchasing any tickets yourself! Plan accordingly!

Choose Appropriate Band Members To Play At The Concert

Once you have decided on the date and venue for your concert, it's time to pick your band members. This is an important step that requires careful consideration. Some things to consider are:

  • compatibility with other musicians

  • talent and skill in playing instruments

  • reputation of musicians in general (and the band members you've chosen specifically)

Decide On A Budget That You’re Comfortable With

Deciding on a budget that works for you is important. You need to figure out how much money you can afford to spend, and the type of event you want to have. You also need to consider what kind of venue you'll be having the concert at and whether or not there will be any food or drinks available.

Once you've got that figured out, it's time to determine your budget!

Book All Necessities For Your Concert And Begin Planning

  • Book the venue.

  • Book the sound system.

  • Book the lights.

  • Book the catering.

  • Book the security.

  • Book the merchandise (t-shirts, posters).

  • Book transportation for artist and crew to venue site, plus get them back home again after a long night of rockin’ out! This may not be necessary if you have friends who will provide these services for free or at a reduced rate (and there is always someone who wants to help out with a good cause). If this is not an option then it will be up to you and your budget how far away from home base you want to go—but if possible try not to ask people from another state/province/county because travel expenses are usually more expensive than most people think! This also goes for artists who might need transportation during their stay, especially if they are staying at your house or in some other place close by; it all depends on where exactly they come from so just do whatever makes sense here based on what kind of relationships exist between everyone involved with organizing this event!

You can have a quality rock concert with the right planning.

  • Get the right equipment. You can't have a good concert if there's no sound equipment, and if your speakers aren't working, you will lose the crowd. You need to make sure that everything is working properly before the show starts by testing it out beforehand.

  • Find the right venue for your rock concert. The venue you choose should be large enough to accommodate all these people comfortably and allow them to enjoy themselves without worrying about being crushed or having trouble seeing what's going on onstage because of crowding issues.

  • Book an opening act. This will get people into their seats before your band performs, so they're ready when it's time for your performance! Make sure this act isn't too similar in style or genre as yours; otherwise people might start getting bored waiting around between acts instead of enjoying them both equally together like they were meant to do!


The best thing about planning a rock concert is that it gives you an opportunity to express your creativity and show the world what you’re capable of. From choosing the perfect venue for your show to finalising the band members who will play at it, there’s no limit to what you can do! If you have any questions or need help with any part of this process, just let us know by contacting us today.

If you are planning to concert of any kind then consider the Empress Building as your venue,

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